5 Temel Unsurları için C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

5 Temel Unsurları için C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

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@OlivierJacot-Descombes: Short of using Reflection, there's no way of knowing whether an IList which allows anything of a given type to be stored by index will allow everything of that type to be stored by index.

If you tasar to build a public API, it's better to use IEnumerable than List, because you better use the most minimalistic interface/class. List lets you access objects by index if that's required.

Different implementations of collections yaşama be enumerable; using IEnumerable makes it clear that what you're interested in is the enumerability, and hamiş the structure of the underlying implementation of the collection.

For example, if you do not need to access items by index, but constantly insert items at the beginning of your collection and then remove items from the end, a Queue would be far more appropriate to use.

This will create a new list element for each element in memory, enumerating the IEnumerable and is thus less performant if you only enumerate once - but safer and sometimes the List methods are handy (for instance in random access).

They usually have a GetXXX method that returns a IEnumerable of whatever type the custom collection class uses so the internal collection can be iterated around using a foreach C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri loop.

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Your linq expression returns C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri an enumeration, and by default the expression executes when you iterate through using the foreach. An IEnumerable linq statement executes when you iterate the foreach, but you gönül force it C# IEnumerable Nedir to iterate sooner using .ToList().

for instance, suppose you decided to read a large file C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır line by line and doing something on that, therefore you hayat write your own ReaderEnumrable to C# IEnumerable Nedir read your file

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But if your class cannot act like a collection then provide a public IEnumerable property for its elements:

Bu interface, uygulandığı sınıfa GetEnumerator adlı bir metot kazanmıştırrır ve bu metot geriye IEnumerator interface’ini implement eden bir dershane döndürür.

IEnumerable tipi veriyi önce belleğe atıp peşi sıra bellekteki bu bilgi üzerinden tamlanan koşulları çallıkıştırır ve veriye uygular.

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